Facebook login on Android fails

Facebook login on Android stopped working this morning, has anything changed on your side?

Email/password login works fine though, but I really need to get the facebook login back up.

REPRO Steps:


I’ve had the same issue. It seems now the webpage for Facebook login will always redirect to the Facebook app, and this causes the error message you’re seeing. Seems like there needs to be a fix from auth0?

We are having the same issue. If you select the three dots menu in the upper right next to the SHARE link and select Open in Chrome, auth will continue, but this is obviously not an option that works for users.

This happens when the default action for opening facebook urls is to open them with the facebook app. If the default action is to use a browser everything works fine, or if a prompt appears asking what app to use a browser needs to be selected.

Does anyone know how to force that prompt? It would be even better if there’s a way to bypass that and stay on the same WebView.

Thank you so much for the info guys. @Auth0 people: is there any viable solution for this? I don’t see how to force the facebook app on the users phone to open in a web browser. Please advise.

We are looking into this and will let you know if we identify a way forward or what the issue is


Hi, any update? This issue if effectively making Facebook login on Android impossible…

I would like an update on this too please. Are you having trouble reproducing it? Android login is critical please let us know when this is fixed.

It was mentioned in this thread that this was due to an Android configuration with the Facebook app that causes opening links in the app rather than in the browser. Having no control over the Facebook app or the Android configuration users would need to configure their devices to open links in the browser rather than the app to avoid experiencing this issue.

At this time though it appears the configuration with Facebook app has since been updated and should work correctly .


Seeing this as working/resolved now.

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I confirm that seems to be fixed! Thank you

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I’m trying to login with Facebook without Locks because I don’t want to show the Auth0 Login UI. But I’m having two problems. The first one is that the provider start method receives an Activity so I can never get the onActivityResult in my LoginFragment.
The second one when I try to login with Facebook I got this message: “com.auth0.android.authentication.AuthenticationException: An error occurred when trying to authenticate with the server.”
Can you help me with my code? Also I want to remove the ugly thing that i have to do in the onActivityResult of my Activity

We are suddenly experiencing this issue starting a few days back, without having changed anything. Anyone else?

Same here. We are also seeing that issue.

Same here. Experiencing this issue when trying to log in on Chrome on Android. Redirects to facebook browser and fails.

Same issue here, auth0 + login using facebook + android = fail.
We need a fix soon…

Facebook login on Android works for me.
I had to update auth0-js recently for unrelated reasons, maybe that is why it’s working?
Try to update your auth0-js and see.

  • My version “auth0-js”: “^9.11.3”
  • Login using new auth0.WebAuth(options).authorize()
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Thanks for sharing that @amine!

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