I’m setting up a SPA client using the management dashboard. I already added a few localhost urls as callbacks and my tests work fine. But when I tried to add my actual server URL (using IP address, no domain yet) I get the error invalid grant types: client_credentials, after saving.
Any idea what am I doing wrong?
Can you clarify where you are seeing the error; in the Client Settings page after clicking save, or during an API call?
On the Client Settings page, after clicking save.
On the Client Settings page, after clicking save.
Can you confirm the format of the callback URL you are trying to add. Feel free to post it in http://sharelock.io/ and restrict access to @auth0.com
email addresses.
I’m using the ip address and specific port, http://##.##.##.##:####
We are also experiencing the client_credentials issue/error message when trying to update client settings.
We do also experience this when we click “SAVE CHANGES” on client settings: “Invalid grant types: client_credentials” appears in red on the top of the page
We have the same issue when clicking on “SAVE CHANGES” after adding a new URL in “Allowed Origins (CORS)” section.
Try to choose something for “Client Type” if it’s empty for you. I was getting the same error and was able to save after chosing “SPA”.
Client type was showing correctly for me, but on a whim I decided to switch it to some other value and then switch it back to “Single Page Application”. I was able to save after this.
Same here. Switched from “Single Page Application” to another option, then switched back and was able to save.
@andreev.artem and @danny.kirchmeier, It worked for me, too. Changing it to something else, saving and changing it back solved the problem. Thank you!
I’m using the ip address and specific port, http://##.##.##.##:####
@andreev.artem and @danny.kirchmeier, It worked for me, too. Changing it to something else, saving and changing it back solved the problem. Thank you!
Thanks for posting your answer @andreev.artem. I have logged this issue with our engineering team to look into.
I had this account for several months without any error, so the problem is not just for new accounts. My account was already SPA. Had to choose something else and then go back to SPA and save. This is a bug.
I had this account for several months without any error, so the problem is not just for new accounts. My account was already SPA. Had to choose something else and then go back to SPA and save. This is a bug.
Having the same problem trying to update our SPA client setup (callback URL’s for us) on more than one of our accounts.
UPDATE: We had already selected SPA as the client type as mentioned above, but choosing another type fixed the problem and then we could switch it back to SPA.
Definitely a bug. Thank you for recommending the workaround to switch away and then back to SPA.