Email Verification template


We are using IOS as our front end

I created a user and email verification mail received.

while opening the mail in IOS , after clicking the confirm email link its is redirected to our app.

My question is while I am opening the email from a desktop and after clicking the confirm email I want to redirect in to a webpage. how can I do this ?

Here I am including my email template already added.


I am using the default Verification Email(using link).


Hey there!

To get a bit more of clarification. You’re opening that link through a desktop email client by clicking on that link and what happens?

Hi @konrad.sopala

I am attaching the details , that email open through desktop

after clicking confirm my account

HI @konrad.sopala

Any update about this…

I required that , while clicking the confirmation mail through IOS device it need to redirect into the app(its working). while clicking the confirmation mail through desktop it need to redirect in to webpage … How can I implement this .

And the screenshot you shared is opened where? I mean the link.

Hi @konrad.sopala

when I click this link on desktop , the blank page will appear(screenshot).
when I click this link on IOS , it redirect to the IOS app.
How can I handle the scenario in email template.
That means if the redirect URL clicks from the desktop it redirect to a webpage and if redirect URL clicks from the IOS app it redirect to the app( from IOS app its working fine).
I want to handle the desktop case.

I am using the default template - Verification Email(using link).