Email Template for Passwordless Login using Code not Editing Correctly

I have my application to allow passwordless login using a code sent to your email. I am trying to update the template to show our branding. However, the templates available for edit within Authentication > Passwordless > Email as well as the templates within Branding > Email Templates are not showing the actual email that gets sent out when users request a code.

The HTML I am sent when I request a code includes this PNG. This is what I am trying to update to be our icon. However, not a single template includes this link. Moreover, when I update the template found in those two places I cite above, the actual email I am sent doesn’t necessarily reflect those changes.

How can I fix this?

Hi @jameson,

Welcome to the Auth0 Community!

It seems that you might not have configured a custom email provider, which is required to make changes to email templates.

You might see a warning banner like the following:

In this case, you must configure a custom email provider.

Please refer to our Configure External SMTP Email Providers documentation to learn more.

Let me know if you have any questions.


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