Email Sending Error with Passwordless Connection and Office 365 as Email Provider


When setting up SMTP for Office 365 and testing via the Send test email button on the Custom Email Provider page, the test email is successfully received. However, an error occurs when attempting to send a test email through the Passwordless Connection Email page. The error message displayed is:

Type FN error: Error sending email.


To resolve the email sending error in the Passwordless Connection setting, the format of the FROM field needs adjustment to comply with Microsoft’s requirements. Modify the FROM field to contain only the email address instead of the application’s name and the email.

Step 1: Access the Email Passwordless connection (Authentication > Passwordless > Email )

Step 2: Locate the FROM field, which currently is set as below:

{{ }} <>

Step 3: Change this to the FROM to match the pattern below:

Step 4: Press Save

After making these changes, test sending an email again through the Passwordless Connection Email page to ensure the issue is resolved.

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