Disaster Recovery Plan for Auth0

Problem statement

How to get information on the Disaster Recovery Plan for Customer Identity Cloud/Auth0?


For more information on the disaster recovery plan it is recommended to contact trust@auth0.com. See this documentation for more information: Availability & Trust.

Enterprise customers can also contact their designated TAM for more information about this subject.

Refer to the following documentation about “Disaster Recovery.”:

Customers are responsible for administering their tenants and associated data sets, so restoring deleted or modified data is not supported, as stated in the Auth0 Operational Policies - Unsupported requests.

With this in mind, the recommendation for maintaining backups would be to use a built-in method to take exports of user databases, with two ways of interacting:

Each of these has a matching function to import users back in. In addition, the Deploy CLI Tool can be used to export (backup) tenant configuration objects.