Delete my auto-generated team

During the process of wanting to join my company team account, I signed in before accepting the invite link and your/Auth0 system auto-generated a team account for me (separate and different from my actual companies team account).

After accepting the invite to my actual companies team account and even being granted admin access I am not able to view anything.

I assume this is because I am part of two teams. I then tried to delete the auto-created team, but I cannot:

  1. Eject myself from the auto-created team.
  2. Delete the auto-created team itself (via the dashboard per: Delete or Reset Tenants).
  3. Create a support ticket under my companies team as the support page defaults to the free auto-created team account (the actual company team account has a valid subscription).

It seems that this is not uncommon:

How do I go about removing the auto-created team account?

Hi @oc-ef,

Welcome to the Auth0 Community!

Unfortunately, we currently do not support deleting or removing Teams. The only way to get rid of one is by asking someone else from the Team to remove the account as a member. If the account is also the only Team member, then invite another throwaway account as a member and then remove the main account with that throwaway account.

We recommend checking this article that also contains information on deleting a tenant in the context of teams:

Please feel free to reach out if you need more help.


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