Deeplinking into Tenant Admin UI with search querystrings for Users and Logs

Our customer support staff utilise the Auth0 Tenant Admin UI for typical L1 support tasks (User password resets, issue investigation using Logs etc) on a dozen-times-a-day basis to provide fixes for customers in line with our goal of “We’ll never ask you to do something yourself if you’ve already reached out to us and we can do it quickly”.
In a common scenario like a User Search for a Manual Password Reset, this involves multiple steps just to obtain the User Context from an Auth0 ID, even when optimising your bookmark as deeply as possible:


  1. Open a bookmark to the Production Tenant Users UI:
  2. Click in Search by dropdown
  3. Click Lucene Syntax
  4. Paste the Auth0 User_ID
  5. Submit with Enter keystroke


  • Streamline the STEPS above


  1. Strategic - Build some Custom Support UI based on the extensive Auth0 APIs to replicate this frontend functionality in our existing support dashboard. This is the long term plan, but takes time and budget. We’ll get there over the coming years
  2. Tactical - Extend the Admin UI to accept key-value pairs on the querystring for common UI tasks. Some examples of lightweight tooling that can be built by customers on top of the existing Admin UI are below. These examples use some as-yet-non-existent querystring params called SearchType and SearchString to do cool stuff like this:

2.1 User-contextual pregenerated lightweight external deeplink from our existing support dashboard:**SearchType**=*lucene*&**SearchString**=*auth0-user-id*

2.2 Chrome JS Bookmark with end user data capture - Chrome Bookmarks support JS and a variable captured from the end user. If we can pass in values on the querystring, we can do cool stuff like give bookmarks to staff that allow them to paste in the relevant SearchString:
javascript: var userID = prompt('Enter Auth0 User ID: '); if (userID) {"" + userID); }

Here’s a working example you can drop in that does a google search from a bookmark (not terribly useful unto itself, but you get the idea).
javascript: var testSearch = prompt('Enter Google Search: '); if (testSearch) {"" + testSearch); }

Love your thoughts on this small quality-of-life feature request that should be in the “trivial” end of dev effort for your product team to implement for select parts of the Admin UI like Users and Logs that L1 support staffers live in on a daily basis.


Perhaps the question wasn’t clear enough. Is this kind of “Tactical” suggestion a useful way of flagging a potential small feature request, or should I be trying this somewhere else?

Hey there!

Sorry for such huge delay in response! We’re doing our best in providing you with best developer support experience out there, but sometimes our bandwidth is not enough comparing to the number of incoming questions.

Wanted to reach out to know if you still require further assistance?

Would love feedback on the original use case still! :grinning:

Sure! :slight_smile: Will dig into that and let you know our thoughts shortly!

Hey there!

Terribly sorry for the delay in response once again, I must have forgotten about it in all those topic that are coming to community on a daily basis.

I managed to discuss it with some teams and what I was advised of was to raise it as a product feedback through our product feedback form here:

Once you place it make sure to provide as much context and information about your usecase as possible so the team have proper justification to implement that. You should be contacted within 10 business days regarding that by one of our product managers. Thank you!