Customizing the Delegated Admin Extension

Problem statement

The Delegated Admin Extension (DAE) is an extension that allows for a select group of users to have administrative permissions for specific aspects of an Auth0 tenant. Auth0 provides for Admin Roles directly in the Auth0 dashboard, but it does not provide the granular level of access for some use cases yet.

Is there any way to modify or customize the DAE to address use cases outside of the default configuration?


Customers can fork the DAE repo on Github and apply updates to its behavior as needed. Though this article will not go into all the various updates possible, it is important that the following is configured correctly so the updated DAE will be leveraged when launched from the Auth0 Dashboard. The setup and configuration of this customized DAE will be the customer’s responsibility due to the custom nature of this setup.

  1. The following files will need to be added to the CDN hosting this customized DAE:
  1. Update the ‘webtask.json’ file to use the new CDN path. Failure to do so will cause the DAE to use the default Auth0 CDN which will result in the default DAE being installed. Here is the section of the file that will need the new CDN path:
      "description": "Path to your CDN",
      "example": "https://"",
      "required": false
      "description": "Path to custom favicon",
      "example": """,
      "required": false

NOTE: Auth0 only supports the default configuration of this extension which has been tested and vetted by Auth0 Engineering teams. If custom code is added that changes the behavior of the extension, Auth0 Support will not be able to provide troubleshooting assistance.