Custom Social Connection logo on new Universal Login


Today, when we create a Custom Social Connection, there’s no place to add a logo.

So the logo that appears on the login screen is the auth0 logo.

I was able to create a workaround modifying the universal login page template and adding

._social-button-oauth2 *[data-provider^=oauth2] {
  background-image: url(https://image.png);

This worked for me in this case, but will not when adding a new button oauth2.

Can you request this feature? I think more people will benefit.


PS: I know that there’s a ‘Quickbooks’ social connection available in the marketplace that comes with the logo, but that connection does not work properly.

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Hi @jvieira,

Welcome to the Auth0 Community!

Currently, the way to include a logo for custom social connections is to modify the Universal Login authButtons object . See below.

var options = {
  [...] // other Lock options
  theme: {
    authButtons: {
        displayName: "YOUR_DISPLAY_NAME",
        primaryColor: "#3d85c6",
        foregroundColor: "#FFFFFF",
        icon: "https://.../logo.png"

Doing so will allow you to modify all of your custom social connection button logos.

Hoped this helps.

Thank you.

Hi @rueben.tiow,

Thank you for the quick reply.

Will this work with the new Universal Login Pages?

Either way, we were not using the Lock, we are using the @auth0/auth0-spa-js

But it makes a lot more sense to have the icon in the social connection itself, not where it is used. Another point is that the social connections that come from the marketplace have logos and the custom does not have.

Please, create a feature request for the team, please.

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Hi @jvieira,

Thank you for your response.

Unfortunately, the New Universal Login experience does not support changing the logo for custom social connections. Currently, there is the option to use the Classic Universal Login experience if you prefer to change the logo for custom social connections.

If you have a moment, could you please create a feedback request asking support for changing the custom social connection logo in the New Universal Login experience?

Thank you!

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Hello @rueben.tiow

Created a feedback. This is the link

Thank you!

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