Custom field does not display on Universal Login Signup page

I’m trying to add a full name field to our Universal Login Signup. I’ve tried to follow the instructions in Configure Additional Signup Fields on the Universal Login Page but I’m getting stuck on the first step. The field doesn’t display on the login page dashboard > authentication database > database > try.

My test tenant seems to meet all the requirements.

  1. custom domain - yes
  2. custom page template - yes
  3. Customize Login Page is disabled - yes
  4. using email and password to signup and login - yes

I used the Auth0 Management API > Prompts > Set partials for a prompt > signup. Body code below:
“signup”: {
“form-content-start”: “

Full Name

And got back a 200 response.
But only the email and password fields are displaying on the login page dashboard > authentication database > database > try.

What am I missing?

Hi @jan.clayton,

Welcome to the Auth0 Community!

You can use Forms to create a custom sign-up flow that prompts the user to submit additional sign-up fields, such as their full name.

I recommend referring to this example to configure additional sign-up fields using Forms.

Let me know if you have any questions.


Thanks Rueben. I’m using forms for post login flow but I need to collect additional user info during pre-registration which doesn’t support forms.
Turns out that my problem was that I was testing with the dashboard > authentication > database > try feature instead of trying to login an actual application in my tenant (I was using a developer environment that didn’t have an application that I could test with). Once I tried logging in to my application from a browser I was able to see the new custom field.

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Hi @jan.clayton,

I’m glad to hear it’s working as expected after you tested the login flow in an actual flow.

Feel free to let us know if you have any additional questions.


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