How we can add custom sign up fields in new Universal login page?


We are working on add sign up fields in new universal login page and also we referred below site :*d2g7p*_gcl_au*NTU3NjA0ODczLjE3MDg2ODQxODA.*_ga*NDM5MDQ0MDQ4LjE3MDg2ODQxODA.*_ga_QKMSDV5369*MTcwOTYyNDkzOS4xOS4xLjE3MDk2MjQ5OTUuNC4wLjA

Still we are not able to add custom sign up fields in new universal login page.

Please do your need and provide us guidance that how we can add them.

Dipesh Patel

Hi @dipeshpatel,

Welcome to the Auth0 Community!

Essentially, the New Universal Login experience only offers progressive profiling instead of additional sign up fields. Only the Classic Universal Login experience allows for additional sign up fields.

I suggest referring to our How to configure additional signup fields on the Universal Login Page knowledge solution for more information.


Hi @rueben.tiow.

I refer below link for customize new universal login page.

In this I found custom sign up prompt code,

{%- auth0:head -%} body._widget-auto-layout { --page-background-image: url('https://REPLACE/WITH/YOUR/BACKGROUND/IMAGE.png'); background-color: var(--page-background-color); background-image: var(--page-background-image); background-position: center; background-size: cover; background-repeat: no-repeat; } {{ prompt.screen.texts.pageTitle }} {%- auth0:widget -%}

Could you please confirm me whether we will able to add in custom fields in this code between
{%- auth0:head -%} & {%- auth0:widget -%} ??


I required to add sign up fields below password i.e. country code and phone number.

Kindly provide your guidance.

Dipesh Patel

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This topic seems related to our new EA feature, Forms for Actions, which rolled out of the beta stage on May 7th. Our Product team prepared the whole Documentation page with examples of Use cases. Forms for Actions. If you find yourself having questions regarding this new feature for the next two weeks, we are hosting an Ask Me Anything session. Our Product Expert will provide comprehensive written answers on May 21st from 8 AM to 10 AM PST.
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