Can we able to add custom sign up fields phone number and country code on new univeral login page?

Hi @rueben.tiow,

I refer below link for customize new universal login page.

In this I found custom sign up prompt code,

{%- auth0:head -%} body._widget-auto-layout { --page-background-image: url(‘https://REPLACE/WITH/YOUR/BACKGROUND/IMAGE.png’); background-color: var(–page-background-color); background-image: var(–page-background-image); background-position: center; background-size: cover; background-repeat: no-repeat; } {{ prompt.screen.texts.pageTitle }} {%- auth0:widget -%}

Could you please confirm me whether we will able to add in custom fields in this code between
{%- auth0:head -%} & {%- auth0:widget -%} ??


I required to add sign up fields below password i.e. country code and phone number.

Kindly provide your guidance.

Dipesh Patel

Hi @dipeshpatel,

Unfortunately, you won’t be able to add custom sign-up fields like your phone number or country code to the New Universal Login page.

This is a distinct limitation outlined in our documentation (New Universal Login vs. Classic Universal Login):

In this case, you must either redirect your users to another page to collect more information from them or opt to use the Classic Universal Login.

Let me also add that we have custom sign-up fields for the New Universal Login experience on our road map but we do not currently have an ETA as to when this is available.

I hope this helps!


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