Custom DB gives Error "Please verify the provided email/username or password"

Problem statement

During an operation related to a user from a custom database connection, the following error occurs:

Please verify the provided email/username or password


The presentation of the problem (e.g. error messages, description of behavior).

  1. There is a custom DB with Import Mode turned on.
  2. User tries to perform an action such as reset password
  3. An error similar to “DB Get user Custom script: please verify the provided email/username or password.” is returned


This can happen when a different email address is sent for a particular user ID and there is already a record of one email address. This could happen, for example, when the user’s email address changes in the legacy DB but there is already a shadow profile in Auth0 with the old email.


The delete connection user by email API endpoint can be used here to clean the shadow user. Please refer to this documentation:!/Connections/delete_users_by_email

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