Hi there,
I have a connected custom database script and was are trying to disconnect it
So I removed the script following the steps mentioned in this link https://auth0.com/docs/manage-users/user-migration/configure-automatic-migration-from-your-database?_ga=2.134305970.2111432359.1644597100-560376758.1640010458&_gl=1*sgif3t*rollup_ga*NTYwMzc2NzU4LjE2NDAwMTA0NTg.*rollup_ga_F1G3E656YZ*MTY0NDYwMDQ5Ny4yMC4xLjE2NDQ2MDA5ODkuNTk.#verify-migration
Now I have a case where when trying to reset password I get following response
Although I can confirm that the very same user is listed in User Management > Users grid
“log_id”: “90020220408053249484785143492424747714242685143829446706”