We use an m2m client to access the management APIs during a terraform deployment. We would like to create users in a connection, so we need to add the client ‘id’ (not the ‘client_id’) in auth0_connection.enabled_clients, but the ‘id’ is not visible in the application console page or elsewhere.
The property enabled_clients passed to POST/api/v2/connections refers to all of your tenant’s applications which support a connection.
A connection is the relationship between Auth0 and a source of users. For example, google-oauth2 is a social connection that allows Auth0 to obtain profile/email info from gmail users.
To create users in a connection, you can use the POST/api/v2/users endpoint and pass the connection name.
For example, this request will create a user for the connection named “Username-Password-Authentication”:
The property enabled_clients passed to POST/api/v2/connections refers to all of your tenant’s applications which support a connection. requires the ‘id’, not the ‘client_id’. Are these the same? If not, where do I get the ‘id’, it is not visible in the UI.