Cordova Phonegap login authentication link problem

Thank you so much, Jim!

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hi @James.Morrison, just to check are there any updates on the issue ?


Good morning @dejan and @dsel, I apologize for the delay in response as I spent the last week out of office. I am still waiting on feedback from a senior engineer’s review. Once I have it I will be sure to relay the details. Thank you for your patience.

Just wanted to reach back out on this front @dsel and to let you know this hasn’t been forgotten as we still work on further investigating this challenge. Thanks!

hey @James.Morrison we really appreciate your effort guys, but is there any chance we meet over 15mins or so on skype or zoom to kind of join forces in resolving this issue?

Following up on this topic @dsel as time has been difficult to devote into a deep dive in this challenge, I have escalated this topic to a support case with our support team. They should be reaching out via email, to further troubleshoot what’s going on. I have shared with them your request for a shared zoom session as well. I hope this helps in getting this long running hurdle resolved. Thank you for being so patient with us as we work together to see what may be going on.

@dsel, I just sent you a direct message with another engineer’s Github email to take a look at the sample repo. When you get a chance can you please get them added. Thank you!

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This topic is just continuation of our previous one that was closed while we were on a winter break. Original board can be found here Cordova Phonegap login authentication link problem

after that communication is continued here Auth0 Support Center and my answer for developers investigating the code follows:

Thanks for investigating the issue but If you look into on that repository I’ve put together very simple few instructions on what’s important in code. Line 93 you’re referring to is irrelevant and is used to login to our platform, but I left it there just bcs I didn’t want to break something. What is relevant (also based on are lines 128 (auth0 facebook handler) and 135 (auth0 twitter handler).


Hi @dsel, I moved this topic back to the original thread for continuity. It is reopened as well.