I’m trying to perform auth0 login authentication on cordova phonegap app and problem is whenever I tap on compiled android app auth0 icon it prompts me “open with” dialog box, how can this be avoided, and how to make it work properly ?
Hi there @dsel and welcome to the Auth0 Community!
I wanted to confirm with the error you are encountering that you have modified your config.xml file? I have include our Cordova Quickstart for a quick point of reference as you venture forward. Thanks!
I did follow both Single page app as well as Cordova app (since we’re working with phonegap) instructions and I did set in config.xml but nevertheless “open with” still remains.
I actually found the same potential solution to the problem as you suggested, but on a different forum, unfortunately that doesn’t do the trick for me…
Following up @dsel, It looks like when investigating your tenant that it is missing the package name and hash on the Auth0 side of things within the dashboard. Please update this under the Advance tab and place in the package name and hash. Please let us know after doing so if it has helped unblocked you. Thanks!
After speaking with one of our engineers have you been able to configure the Android app settings to always open with the preferred option? What version are you currently running with Android? Still trying to get to the bottom of this with you. Thanks!
My name is Dejan Markovic and I am co-founder and CTO of https://socialwebsuite.com/.
We are being blocked by this issue for weeks and it’s coming to a point where we will have to decide if we are going to use the Auth0 or have to move to other solution.
Would you be able to connect my Dev team with your Dev team so we can solve the problem together as soon s possible please? If we need to pay for the consultation fee I am OK with that if the cost is reasonable.
I am currently working with our sales team to see how we can get you connected to our elevated support team.
In the meantime, @dsel have you been able to configure the Android app settings to always open with the preferred option? Any details on the version are you currently running with Android would be helpful as well. Thanks in advance!
@James.Morrison Thank you for the feedback. I have just added my credit card info and now I am waiting for that to go trough your system. I’ve got the message that it takes 2 hours for that. As soon as my cc is approved I will buy the Developer plan. I will let the @dsel reply with the info he has regarding the APP. Thanks