Company Logo upload, NOT url

Hello, simple question …

Other than providing a url to my company logo (which I don’t have), is there a way to upload a logo into Auth0 for my application login?


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Hey there @lindsaymiles! Can you send us a screenshot here so that we know where are you trying to configure that? Thanks!

As requested…

I do have a logo file, just not hosted in any site.

Yep then unfortunately the only way to upload that is via URL. I encourage you to file a feature request regarding that to our product team. They should reach out back to you within 10 business days. Here’s the form:

This should be standard default feature as not every app has a web presence and is entirely native app based.

But thanks, I’ll put in the feature request.

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Totally agree with you!

Konrad, I managed to add a url temporarily for my logo. Saved etc.

When I try to login through my app, the logo is not displayed but the default auth0 logo IS displayed.

Now what?


Hey there!

Can I ask you to open a separate topic for that as it’s something different than what you started initially the topic with and in the future it will be more useful and easy to find for someone that will be looking for similar thing. Thank you!

In addition to that let us know what quickstart / language you used to build the app, have you followed some doc. All information like that will be super valuable in order to help you troubleshoot that.

Hi Konrad, actually, no need, I don’t think…

There are two places to input the logo url, 1) under Tenant Settings 2) Application Settings
#2 does not work. #1 does not work IF #2 is not empty else #1 works.

Also, the background of the logo area on the login screen is kinda salmon coloured. The logo looks odd if it has a white background and also if it is transparent. That logo area should be white.

Anyway, it’ll do for now…

Hope that helps improve a few things.


Thanks for the feedback passed it to the appropriate team!