CLI command to update HTML universal login page

i would like to know if there is a CLI command to update HTML page in universal login page. I usually update the HTML file manually by copy and pasting the contents of login.html to branding->universal login-> login->HTML and save it to see the changes. I am trying to see if i would be able to automate the process of updating this when a new code is pushed. Please let me know.

Hi @srajendran,

You could use the Auth0 CLI to update your Universal Login page:

Or you could use the Management API to update the Universal Login page:

Please let me know if you have any questions.


Could you provide me a exact CLI command if possible?

Hi @srajendran,

You can view the template by calling:
auth0 universal-login templates show

And to update the template using:
auth0 universal-login templates update

Hi @rueben.tiow , Thank you for your time in answering my questions. Does the CLI command shared by you be used for the custom html page which i wanted to update or it is used only for the default templates?

Hi @srajendran,

Thanks for following up.

These commands allow you to customize your Universal Login Custom HTML page.


Hi Ruebe,
When i try to curl, “curl -L ‘
-H ‘Accept: application/json’”, it says missing authorization error. how do i get through this?

Hi @srajendran,

Thanks for the reply.

Using the Management API’s Set template for New Universal Login experience endpoint, please use the following command to update your Universal Login HTML page:

curl -L -X PUT '' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer {access_token}' \
-d '{"template":"<!DOCTYPE html><html><head>{%- auth0:head -%}</head><body>{%- auth0:widget -%}</body></html>"}'


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