Changing universal login descriptions, login works, signup does not

We are trying to change the description fields on the universal login pages per Customize New Universal Login Text Prompts. We changed the description on the page for the login page just fine. In trying to change the one for the signup page we use signup instead of login in the api call and are getting a 400 “Invalid screen ‘signup’”

Everything we can find says signup should be correct here. The fact that login works says we are on the right track. Any help or ideas?



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Hi @TimMeade,

Welcome to the Auth0 Community!

Can you post a code snippet of request you are making so I can give it a try? ( be sure to remove sensitive information like client secret etc.)

I have changed the URL, cookie and auth. But its simple:

This works for login:

curl -X "PUT" "" \
     -H 'authorization: Bearer eyJhbGci9ucA' \
     -H 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8' \
     -H 'Cookie: did=s%3AhU8I' \
     -d $'{
  "login": {
    "description": "Login to the site"

This does not for signup. Says invalid screen signup

curl -X "PUT" "" \
     -H 'authorization: Bearer eyJhbGci9ucA' \
     -H 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8' \
     -H 'Cookie: did=s%3AhU8I' \
     -d $'{
  "signup": {
    "description": "Signup for  the site"

Humm looking at it here i see the URL has login in it. Did not see that before. Let me check changing the URL. I did not see anything is docs about different url.

Ok that was it. But another thing. I’m not sure where we got the URL yesterday, but it did work for the login page. In generating a new token to test just now i noticed our base URL had changed. The part in front of was different today than yesterday.

With the url changes both worked.



Yep, that looks like the issue. Great, glad that solved it.

Are you working with multiple tenants? The tenant name (the bit in front of cannot be changed, and certainly shouldn’t change randomly.

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