Changing text shown on sign up page using current implementation of Universal Login

Using the current implementation of Universal Login it is possible to configure some of the text shown on the login page. Great.

Is it possible to do the same on the sign up page?

In particular, the “description” field. The default text “Sign up to to use ” doesn’t make much sense to a user.

Sorry, the editor truncated my text. The field that doesn’t make sense is “Sign Up to bright-bot to continue to BrightBot” - shown in the screenshot below.
Is there any way to change this, while still using the current implementation of Universal Login?

Branding > Universal Login > Custom Text and amend the “description” value for each of the Prompt windows you want changed.

That worked - thanks.

I didn’t figure out you need to change the “Prompt” dropdown to “signup” to get to the sign up window:

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