Change login provider/authentication method for Dashboard users/tenant members

Problem statement

We currently use a Social provider to log in to our Auth0 account/Dashboard. Our organization has recently migrated to a different provider, and we’d like to switch my login provider from the old one to the new one. How to do it?


When you change from one authentication method to another (email/password, Google, Microsoft, etc.), the users are assigned a new ID, and the Dashboard understands they are new users (different identities). So, a tenant administrator can update the login method associated with an existing Auth0 Dashboard member by adding a new user and removing the user associated with the old login method.

  1. Go to Dashboard > Settings > Tenant Members.
  2. Click Add Member.
  3. Enter the email address of the user and select the access permissions.
  4. Click Invite to send the email invitation to the user.
  5. The user logs in with the new authentication method using the invited email address and accepts the invitation. Note: If you are migrating to an email/password authentication, the user will have to create their Auth0 account with email and password (sign-up) before accepting the invitation (see Step 4 in Add Tenant Members docs).
  6. Remove the user associated with the old login method.