Badge of the Month: Fall In Love With Engagement

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We’re excited to launch Badge of the Month- a fun way to recognize your engagement through likes, interactions, solutions, and more. This month, love is in the air (and so are badges)! Whether you’re Out of Love, experiencing Higher Love, or Crazy in Love, you can earn a badge by engaging with the community through likes. Get involved, get recognized, and spread the love!

Badge details:

:+1: Out of love: This badge is granted when you use all 50 of your daily likes. Remembering to take a moment and like the posts you enjoy and appreciate encourages your fellow community members to create even more great discussions in the future.

:+1: Higher love: This badge is granted when you use all 50 of your daily likes for 5 days. Thanks for taking the time actively encouraging the best conversations every day!

:+1: Crazy in love: This badge is granted when you use all 50 of your daily likes for 20 days. Wow! You’re a role model for encouraging your fellow community members!

Ready to take your engagement to the next level?

To learn more about all of the badges you can earn click here.