Auth0 Redirect Hangs

I have been working on an issue for a couple of months and no closer to a resolution than when I started.

I’ve been searching the internet and community for a solution but so far, I’ve not found anything.

The Problem

When using Chrome on iOS and logging in using Auth0, the redirect hangs after clicking my “Login” button on my website. It never makes it to the initial Auth0 login screen.

This only seems to happen on Chrome for iOS, but does happen on multiple iOS devices.

This issue intermittent and there are no errors/logs when the hang happens.

I have the same app running in 2 separate containers which each have their own tenant in Auth0. The same issue can be reproduced in both web apps.


The website is an AspNetCore Web app. It is hosted within a Container using Azure Container Services.

The containers base image is .net 8 alpine.

I have tried:

Temporarily removing Security Headers from the website

Changing from using Controllers to PageModel

Added/Removed/Changed/Verified all settings in Auth0 for the tenant/app

Changed Cookie settings within the website (SameSite, Unspecified etc)

Upgraded all Auth0 Nuget packages

If anyone can think of anything else I could try to get this working I’d really appreciate it.

Hi @mark.hotchkiss,

Welcome to the Auth0 Community!

I recommend checking your network activity for the web apps in question and determining what might be causing the redirects to hang.

You might find our How to generate a HAR capture on an iOS device knowledge article useful for capturing network activity on an iOS device.

Let me also add that I have checked your tenant logs and found several successful login events. Are you still encountering issues with Chrome on iOS? If so, can you please share what Auth0 SDK you are using?


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