Auth0 Admin Login Error - Consent Required

Hi Auth0 team, I’m having an issue log in to the admin panel. The browser raises a message saying “400 (Bad Request)”.

This is the URL the browser is trying to open, after authenticating using SSO:… some long token, removed for security reasons …)

This happens only with one of my companies (Growi), even if I try to access it using Incognito. Using Google, latest version, VPN off.

For my other company (Humaitrix), the access is normal - also using Google SSO.

What can I do to solve this issue?

Some screenshot of the 400 (Bad Request) message:


Hi @daniel.santana,

Thanks for reaching out to the Auth0 Community!

I have just tried logging in to the Auth0 Dashboard and Auth0 Support Center and was able to log in without issues.

Could you clarify which of the two you were trying to access?


Thanks for the support, Rueben.

The issue happens only with the Growi Account. My user there is

After your message, I tried again and it worked successfully. I’m not sure if you applied some magic there or it was just an ongoing process, but the issue is solved.

Thanks a lot, to you and the community, Rueben.


Hi @daniel.santana,

Thanks for the update!

I’m glad that everything is working now!

If you experience any further issues, please feel free to reach out!


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