Can't log into my account today!

Auth0 has been acting up today. When I try to log into my dashboard, I get a BadRequestError at this URL:

I’ve tried with different accounts and different browsers. I’ve cleared the cache and tried many times and keep getting the same error. Auth0 claims all their systems are operational. So what’s going on? Anyone else has encountered this issue?

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Hi @moshfegh

Welcome to the Auth0 Community!

Thank you for the report. We are investigating. You can check the current status of the issue at the

Thank you!

Great! Thanks for your prompt reply. I hope the issue can be resolved soon as I was in the middle of recording a video about Auth0 and now I can’t work!

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Same issue here. Cannot access account.

I’ll be frank the organization / teams / login system has been a nightmare from day one. Happy to give feedback directly to an interested party if one exists…

Anyway, I am here posting because I am locked out of my account. I have two organizations and both lead to BadRequestError. Tried logging in incognito.

What to do? :confused:


I’m having the same issue.

Hi @michael28

Thank you for the report. We are investigating. You can check the current status of the issue at the


Keep getting the error message: ‘BadRequestError. We are sorry but your request couldn’t be completed’

Tried with an incognito mode browser and also switching browsers with no luck


I’m having the same issue. Also tried incognito.

I also am running into this error when trying to log into the dashboard. Status page doesn’t indicate there any errors…super frustrating

I’m facing the same issue. Found another post with the same issue as well

Hi everyone!

Thank you for the report. We are investigating. You can check the current status of the issue at the


I just logged into my Auth0 dashboard as usual to check new users signed up to my application. I then refreshed the page and got the following error page:

We are sorry but your request couldn’t be completed

Our Engineering team has been notified of this error, please clear your cache and refresh the page. If the problem persists, you may contact the Auth0 Support team.

I have tried logging in again incognito and on other devices but I still get the same error page. Could something be wrong with my account? Or is this happening for other people? This has never happened before. I only ever log in with the standard email/password method (no social login). Any help would be appreciated.



Seems like a widespread issue that just recently started - I’m having the exact same problem.

We are also having this issue:

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Yes, I have seen a few other posts with the same issue also now.

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Hi @james22

Thank you for the report. We are investigating. You can check the current status of the issue at the


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