Application Logo not appearing?

In Applications > Settings > Application Properties I have my Application Logo set and it correctly appears in the settings. I’ve also made it the recommended size of 150 x 150 pixels. It’s a .png.

It doesn’t appear in my Universal Login page. Instead, I just get the default logo. How do I fix this?

Hi @alexzam , welcome to Auth0!

Please take a look at this doc - Application Settings - the Application Logo appears in several places, including the list of applications in the Dashboard and customized consent forms but not include showing the Application Logo on your Universal Login Page.

The option is to use the New Universal Login experience to customize the logo . Note that this requires an additional step of configuring a custom domain.

Alternatively, you could also use the Classic Universal Login experience to conditionally render the login page with different logos based on each client ID.

Please let us know any questions!

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