Anonymous Users

Hello! This is a feature request to add support for anonymous users (aka unauthenticated identities aka anonymous auth).

The anonymous users feature allows your app to track user activity prior to account creation. It works by your auth/identity provider maintaining a session for not-logged-in users and assigning a user id to them. This way, the auth provider can send the user id over to your backend, and you can begin to track interactions from these anonymous users. Consider how you can scroll through TikTok, and without ever logging in, your feed becomes personalized automatically. Once a user decides to sign up, their credentials and any new roles are added to this existing user. This feature is currently offered by some of auth0’s competitors. This isn’t a comprehensive list, but I have used Firebase and Cognito, which both support anonymous users. I’ll drop some links below to their reference documentation.

I prefer auth0’s developer experience over that of Cognito and Firebase, but there have been a few instances where I have had to use them to gain access to this feature (implementing it myself or from an additional third party is not an option).

Would love to open a discussion here into adding support for this out-of-the-box.

Ethan Orlander

Thanks for submitting the feature request! I went ahead and moved your topic to our Feedback category so that other members of the Community can vote on this request and for better visibility with the product team.


Great! Thanks, Stephanie! :slight_smile:


I just want to add that we have this same need and would benefit from support for an anonymous user.

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We have the same problem here in a SaaS! We need to track the anonymous user actions before the creation of his account using JWT. This is a great solution to reduce friction and enable anonymous user to have a preview of your app.

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I’m on the point of migrating from custom in house auth solution to either Firebase or Auth0 - anonymous user support is near the top of the list for my CEO, but Firebase seems limited by the number of Auth methods but HAS anonymous user support, while Auth0 looks like it offers so much more, but without anonymous. Is it likely to be on the roadmap here any time soon?