After my Web App was reviewed and accepted by Facebook I can't get email, birthday and users_friends from Facebook

After my Web App was reviewed and accepted by Facebook I can’t get email, birthday and users_friends from Facebook.

Before the web app was reviewed and accepted by Facebook, we did the development using Facebook Testers (I mean real profiles in Facebook was declared like tester into the App configuration in the Developer Facebook page), and I always got all the basic information for each Facebook profile, including email, birthday and user_friends. Now the app is approved and is in “the air” but I can’t get email, birthday and user_friends. By the way, Facebook approved the permission for user_friends.

If I use the Facebook API Sandbox I can get all the information, but from my app or doing a call from Auth0 site (Connections|Social|Try) I can’t get all the information that I need (including email, birthday and user_friends).

I don’t know if this a problem with my suscription level (free) or is a problem with some configuration into the Auth0.

These are the permissions defined in Auth0:
![alt text][1]

These are the permissons accepted by Facebook (in spanish):
![alt text][2]

Some idea? thanks in advanced for your support.