After creating a ticket using v2/tickets/post-password-change how can I forward the user on to my login screen once they've set their password?


I create a link to allow my user to set their password via api/management/v2/tickets/post-password-change. Once they do this I want them to be forwarded to my login screen. Currently they just get a generic confirmation screen with no link to the login page. The user would have to close the tab and manually find their way to the login screen.

result_url doesn’t seem to work as I’m using the new universal login process, not classic.

I’d like to stay on the free tier if possible for this.

Any help is greatly appreciated!

Many thanks

Hi @scopic

Welcome to the Auth0 Community!

Thank you for posting your question. If you are using the combination of Universal Login + Ticket, the redirect location is determined by "Tenant Login URI’ in Tenant Settings → Advanced. You can read more about that here → Configure Default Login Routes


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Hi @dawid.matuszczyk

Thanks for the response. I would like to forward the user to different URLs (within my domain) after they’ve set their password.

For example in our app their manager can trigger an email to them to say “please fill in some details about this project:” but if the user hasn’t yet set their password up (their account isn’t verified) I want to wrap this process in the password set ticket link. So after they set their password they are then forwarded on to as this will create a very seemless workflow for the user.

Is this possible? It’s similar to setting the appState returnTo value for login redirects.


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