Add multiple client ID's to GUI

Multiple clients are using the same GUI. We use Auth0 to send them to the GUI connected with their own database. All clients have multiple users.
At this moment we administer the clients users. But that’s not what we want: we want to be able to let the clients administer their users. Same time: we want to be able to access clients GUI, without signing in separately for each different client.
Is it an option to add multiple Client ID’s in the GUI code: one for the client, one for “us”? Or is there a better/ easier way?

Hi @kees.bloemendaal

Welcome to the Auth0 Community!

Thank you for posting your question; with GUI, are you referring to the Auth0 Dashboard, or do you have an external dashboard?


I’m referring to our url where clients can see their interface.

Thanks for getting back to me

Hi @kees.bloemendaal

Correct me if I’m wrong, but when clients request a change for a specific user, do you log in to the Auth0 Dashboard and change it, or do you have an external website with your custom-built GUI that you use to manage users for the clients?

If the first option is not available to clients, they must have “admin” or “operator” role to view the dashboard. If you are referring to the second option, it’s doable. Can you share more details of the current infrastructure with me?


Option one. But we want them to do it themselves. Current: we add users for every application. Per user domain its decided what application he/she can access.

Hi @kees.bloemendaal

Sorry for the late response; as I said in my previous message, giving your clients the option to manage themselves in the Auth0 Dashboard is not currently possible. If that’s something you would like to see in the Auth0, I recommend creating a topic in the Feedback category.



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