Account access for paid tenant


We have an application that uses Auth0 service on a paid account but we’re unable to log in to manage the account. We tried to use the email account that the invoices go to but we did not get a password reset email. We quite urgently need access but have no idea how to go about this.

I would be extremely grateful for some help starting the process of recovery


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Hi @admin77,

Welcome to the Auth0 Community!

I have looked into the tenants associated with your current email address used for your Auth0 Community account. I only see 2 free tenants, not the paid account that you mentioned.

Because of that, could you please share your tenant’s name in a direct message with me?

After you have done so, could you ping me again on this thread?



Thank you for getting back to me.

We think the account email is but not really sure. It is possible that they never activated their account. In any case, this is the email that gets the invoice every month and they pay $150/m.

If the email above is not registered, then it will be another email account with domain name - we are not sure. However, as I said, the email above gets the invoices.

I really appreciate any help/direction you can provide.


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Hi @admin77,

Thanks for the reply and patience.

I have looked into the account associated with the email address you provided and found that it is still on a paid plan. However, there don’t seem to be any tenants under this account.

Additionally, it seems the account uses their Microsoft account to log in. Can you try logging in using their Microsoft account instead of email and password?

Let me know how this goes for you.


Hi Rueben,

They told me that when they try that, it goes into “cerate a new account” page for them.

Is there a number or an email that this person can talk to or write to? That way, they can deal directly and probably get better support as this is taking way too long.

Thank you for all your help.


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Hi @admin77,

Yes, that sounds like the expected behavior since they did not previously have any tenants associated with that account. (Reference: Create Tenants)

Could you have them try to create an account and create a new tenant?

Let me know how that goes.


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