1 hour delay in receiving the password reset link

Users receive 1 hour after the reset password link after requesting it.
How to configure so that they receive it directly after having requested it?
Is there a timezone to configure? The problem occurred when switching to winter time (France country).
Many thanks for your help

Hi @support18

I don’t think this is a timezone/DST issue. Most likely, the user’s mailer has greylisting enabled (which delays delivery to prevent spam).


Thank you for your answer, I was able to try on several email addresses, including personal ones and the delay is always the same

@john.gateley Thank you for your answer, I was able to try on several email addresses, including personal ones and the delay is always the same

Are you using Auth0’s email or did your add your own? If you haven’t set up your own yet, I would suggest doing that first (as you need that for production). If you have, check the mailer logs on that provider to see what is going on.


I’m also experiencing this email delay with password reset email AND invitation emails. Last night it took 3 hours for an invitation email to hit my inbox (GMAIL)

Is the issue related to Y2K22 bug? Or Auth0 is just slow sending out these emails?

I am also facing issues with email for OTP codes in passwordless authentication. Using the default email provider I am experiencing 1+ hour delay. When trying to switch to custom email provider and using send grid, the from address specified is not honored. So, only the test email works and login email fails with the from address is not in authenticated sender

Thanks, we just configured our mail server and it actually works much better.

@support18 excellent! I am glad to hear that.

@son @rvramesh : I don’t know any details about Auth0’s mailer. But since you will NEED a different email platform in production, I recommend doing that now and testing that.


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@john.gateley I did try to configure Send Grid, where in the configuration it asks for From Email address and API key. The sample email is generated successfully. When the login flow happens, the send grid fails with the error message the From address is not in approved sender’s list. I am speculating that the system is ignoring the From address from the configuration when sending OTP email.

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