Zendesk SSO Integration Not Working: "Callback URL mismatch" Error

Problem statement

This article explains a potential cause of the following error when trying to use the Zendesk SSO integration:

Callback URL mismatch. https://(Zendesk Account Name).zendesk.com/access/saml is not in the list of allowed callback URLs


Check the tenant logs to see what domain name is used for the callback URL.


One Zendesk account can have multiple Brands: Setting up multiple brands.

  • Each brand has its subdomain.
  • If a brand’s subdomain is mistakenly used for a Zendesk Account Name while creating a Zendesk SSO Integration in the CIC tenant, it will not work.
  • The Zendesk Account Name has to be set to the main/parent domain.


Use the main/parent domain as Zendesk Account Name.