Yahooapis + Auth0

we have some yahoo api (OpenDataTables) that suddenly started to return the following error:

{"error": {"lang": "en-US", "description": "Table not accessible"}}

Data extraction was done launching the following url:"store://my-store-token" as OpenTable; select * from OpenTable where url=“http://myUrl” and xpath=‘// myXpath’ and wparams=“myParams”&format=json&env=store://

Last night, suddenly all scheduled calls to the above url have started producing the above error.

what is going on? Is it an authentication problem that Auth0 can resolve? What should we have to do to restart the yahoo service? Nobody replay on stackoverflow.

This is not an error that we can assist you with, and would need to be investigated on the YQL side. The error, coupled with the other error you mention about consumer key invalid points to something on the YQL side you will need to deal with and not Auth0.

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