Why us change password endpoint in management API not responding?

I’m calling the management API from a .NET core application. However, when trying to call a CreatePasswordChangeTicket nothing happens. No error, no nothing.

This is my code:

var client = new ManagementApiClient(token, new Uri($“{_settings.Auth0.Domain}api/v2”));
var passwordChangeTicketRequest = new PasswordChangeTicketRequest
Email = user.Email

var ticket = await client.Tickets.CreatePasswordChangeTicketAsync(passwordChangeTicketRequest);

Am I doing something wrong?

According to (Auth0 Management API v2) if you are sending an email address you will also need to send a connection identifier so that code is missing the ConnectionId part:

            var passwordChangeTicketRequest = new PasswordChangeTicketRequest
                Email = "user1@example.org",
                ConnectionId = "..."

However, without the connection identifier you should still receive something (an error, but something) so there may be more to it. Can you reproduce it in a bare bones console application?