Why is it so hard for me to run auth0 on my web?

Hello, I think I am intermediate programmer. I created my own eshop, so I guess I know something form html css, jquery and php.

But I have big problem to integrate auth0 to my new web page.

The manual seems to me very unconsistent, maybe created just for profi programmers with many years skills.

Can you advice me some steps how to learn auth0 integration? From reading of documents on auth0 web page I cannot get any useful information for my current problems.

I can already connect to login page but I have problem with router.php (not working) and with user autentification (still false)?

Should I study some exact topics to more undesrand integraiton of auth0? Everything what I know is from one online course and from my own searching. Is it better to read some book?

Thank you for help

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Hello there @pb2023 !

Considering you are using PHP, I highly recommend taking a look at our relevant quickstart and in particular the accompanying sample app. If you haven’t already, it could be beneficial to get the sample app runnning in your own environment.

Additionally, in terms of a high level understanding of Auth0 in general I also highly recommend taking a look at our architectural scenarios documentation:

Hope this helps!

Thanks for reoly.

To be honest, this sample app is quite difficult to understand for me. Maybe I need to study more deeply.

And I tried quickstart guide but it is not working fot me. And I use it in hostong not on localhost. And I do not use .env but I use my config.php file to initialize sdk.

But still
$auth0->getCredentials() give me null even when I am logged in.

What is the name of cookie where should be data for this function? Can you advice me, please?