Why can't I connect to my "Import users to Auth0" database?

I’m doing a proof-of-concept, attempting to migrate users from OutSystems (a low-code programming environment) to Auth0, so that they can be shared with an ASP.Net MVC application, and I’m having some trouble. If anyone could point me in the right direction I’d appreciate it.

Here’s what I’ve done, and what’s happening:

  • I created a new tenant, and a new application
  • I wrote an ASP.Net MVC applicaiton, which connects to the tenant successfully, using the default database to store users
  • I created a REST API in OutSystems to expose the data needed by “Import users to Auth0” databases
  • I created a new database in Auth0. I turned on Use My Own Database, then I turned on Import Users To Auth0". I wrote code for Login and Get User
  • I tested my Login and Get User code. Both tested successfully
  • I tested the database connection, within Auth0, by going to the Test Connection tab and entering some user credentials. The logon was confirmed
  • I modifed my application within Auth0, to allow it to use the new database connection. Now, when I enter credentials from OutSystems into my ASP.Net application, it says that they are not valid. Debugging within OutSystems confirms that my REST API is not being called
  • I modified the application within Auth0, so that it only connects to the new database, not to the existing OutSystems database. Now, when I attempt to log in through ASP.Net, it says “We’re sorry, something went wrong when attempting to log in”
  • I checked the Auth0 logs, and they don’t contain any entries relating to the failed login

Have I done something wrong somewhere here? Thanks!

I actually found the answer with some Googling - it’s all described in this question from 18 months ago, where the person who posted the question had exactly the same difficulty as me.

Not sure if any Auth0 staff members are going to come across this, but if you do - the post I’ve linked to has lots of suggestions for how to improve the documentation around this area, which were made in response to an Auth0 employee asking if the documentation should be improved. None of the suggestions have been implemented as far as I can see, but if they had been, it would have saved me the trouble of trying to figure it out all over again.


Glad to hear that partially! I’ll make sure to relay that feedback to appropriate team!

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