Which MFA Settings will be active - auth0 users or Social login accounts?

Hi, my app has users, who are created inside auth0 and also i have enabled social account like gmail for authenticating and login into my app.

Can anyone please guide me about when user logs try to login into my app, which MFA settings will be activated. Is it from Auth0 MFA Settings or Is it social account MFA settings? As auth0 and social (gmail) both have their own MFA settings.


Hi @atazurelab

Welcome to the Auth0 Community.

I tested this out with my gmail account. I used a clean browser (cache/history/cookies all cleared) and revoked all devices on my Google account then logged into my app, my tenant is setup with MFA and so is my gmail account. I had to do both gmail and Auth0 multifactor auth to be able to login to my app.

The next time around, when I logged out and back in on the same browser I only did the Auth0 MFA (I did not select to remember this device) on the Google side my device is now trusted.

I’m assuming this is what you meant by your question so hopefully his helps.

Warm regards.


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