Which fields are available in the redirect-to url of the reset email

Our situation:
* Each of our customers access our product through a custom domain: <customer>.<our-domain>
* We have a single tenant that handles authentication for all users of all customers.
* Normal login flow: user goes to https://<customer>.<our-domain>/login which redirects them to https://login.<our-domain> (form hosted by Auth0), which redirects back to https://<customer>.<our-domain>

Our goal:
* After a user resets their passwords, we want them to be redirected to https://<customer>.<our-domain>

This however is problematic. In the user.app_metadata we store which customer a user belongs too, but I am not sure how to leverage this. The email template for the reset-email allows us to set a ‘redirect url’, but according to the documentation we can only set a static url there. Now I noticed that in the redirect-url field we can also use {{application.name}} (but this doesn’t seem to be documented), so one solutions might be to create one application per customer and make the redirect url https://{{application.name}}.ourcompany.com. But that seems like a lot of configuration work to achieve a redirect.

1) Can you make it possible to use {{user.app_metadata}} in the redirect url for emails?
2) Can we reliably use {{application.name}} in the redirect url, or might this break at some point?
3) Do you have any other suggestions to achieve our goal?

I saw that there were similar questions to these in the past, but none with any conclusive answers.


For your first question I would suggest submitting a feature request. Having access to more variables in the email templates would be great!

{application.name} is in the docs (now) so I would suggest it is stable.

My only suggestion is not a very good one: With the way Auth0 works today, your use case might be better served by multiple Auth0 user databases (so you can leverage {connection.name} or possibly even multiple tenants (though maintaining tenants is a challenge … see GitHub - auth0-extensions/auth0-reset-tenant: An Auth0 CLI tool/extension that can be used to reset an Auth0 tenant to a known set of artifacts).

Is there a way of using rules to set the application.name based on user meta data?

We also have this exact problem with the redirect url and would like to avoid setting up multiple applications just to get email redirect urls working