Which Authentication and Authorization system should be used for social network

Hi, i am working on a instagram type Social Network mobile app following are my requirements

  1. Using Neo4j as Database
  2. I have to make a custom plugin for neo4j to work with Auth0

How it works:

I have to directly connect to neo4j from mobile app and the Neo4j Custom Plugin will have to check Auth0 for Authentication and Authorization then access control to Neo4j database.

even better i want custom token to directly access neo4j instead of doing the above

What approach should i follow.

Hi vinaytejareddy,

You should follow the documentation here: Authorization Code Flow with Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE)

This describes the Auth Code + PKCE flow which is the recommended approach for authn/z with mobile apps.



Thanks @john.gateley for sharing that knowledge here!

Thanks for that :slight_smile:

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Is it reliable to use LDAP for Authentication/z for Social network app? cause neo4j supports LDAP.

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