When calling the Management API using the C# SDK, how do you change the HTTP method on the call?

When calling the Management API using the C# SDK, how do I change the HTTP method on the call?

Both of these methods are the same, the only difference is the HTTP method, GET vs. DELETE. GET seems to be the default.



this.ManagementApiClient = new ManagementApiClient(TokenResponse.AccessToken, _configuration.GetSection(“Auth0AuthApi”).GetChildren().FirstOrDefault(c => c.Key.Equals(“Domain”))?.Value);

Hi @phil.fitzgerald,

C# is not my specialty, but I think you should be using different methods for those two operations. See this doc for an example of how to instantiate and use the usersclient in C#.


If this doesn’t help let me know and I can reach out to someone who has a better C# background.


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