What is the easy and latest method to change login flow from redirect to popup mode

Hi, I already have the login flow set up using the new universal login, where we first redirect to the auth0 domain and then to /authorize in my app. I want to update the flow so we don’t need to redirect from my primary app and instead have the auth0 login within the app itself, so redirection is not required. Can anyone please suggest the best practices to do this? I.e. ability to access auth0 login within my app as a popup/dialog without the need for redirection. Thanks in advance.

Hi @derek.joseph,

Can you share some details about your app? What framework, etc.

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Hi, @dan.woda
The SPA is made using angular 13. For authentication, we redirect to the auth0 authorize URL, after the sign’s up, we are redirected back to the app. I want to authenticate/signup within my app as a popup/dialog without redirection to the auth0 URL. I read about the Lock authentication mode but couldn’t figure out the steps required to implement it as an in-app popup/dialog. So, are there any latest best practices to do that, I couldn’t find any documentation or example for the same. Thanks.

Are you looking for an Embedded Login?

Hi @derek.joseph,

I am following up for @dan.woda.

Just a friendly ping to see if you are still experiencing any issues.


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Hi @rueben.tiow, I wanted to know if we can access the universal login within the app via an iframe, so we do not need to redirect the user to the universal login page. Is there any defined way to do it?

Hi @derek.joseph,

I’m back and can jump back in on this.

It looks like new universal login does not support iframes.

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