What is the best way to work with enterprise clients that have Azure AD connections?

we have a client that has an azure ad for their users. we would like to use auth0 for that. what’s the best way?

thanks so much for any lead,

Hi @general

Welcome to the Auth0 Community!

Thank you for posting your question. If I understand your question correctly, you would need to add Azure AD as an SSO and only option. Our Docs have a handful of guides about connecting AzureAD to Auth0.


thanks Dawid! appreciate the prompt reply. We managed to (finally) connect an Azure AD to Auth0. The one thing that remains, is how to remove the email verification. We found that we must maintain the “Use common endpoint” on, in the Azure Auth0 connection. Once its on, we cannot turn ‘set the email_verified to true’ and Auth0 sends an email notification for every new user. its a problem since our client does not want that.

we saw some forum discussion that indicated we should turn off Email Template - didnt work. Any other suggestions?

thanks again,