What Are OAuth Pushed Authorization Requests (PAR)?

Learn what Pushed Authorization Requests are and when to use them to strengthen the security of your OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect-based applications.
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:writing_hand:t2: Brought to you by @andrea.chiarelli

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Hi Robertino,

I have a question if you can guide me for the solution:

I have three applications:

  1. Our own SSO that supports Authorization Code + PKCE
  2. A Client UI App
  3. A Client API App

The Client UI App authenticates through our SSO and interacts with the Client API App’s endpoints.

Now, if I want to implement Pushed Authorization Requests (PAR), where should I place the initial request to obtain the request_uri within this Client UI and API structure?

Since the PAR request to obtain the request_uri must be a back-channel request, where should it be initiated?

Hi @akshayaote7,
Welcome to the Auth0 Community! :waving_hand:

I need some clarification on your application architecture in order to give you an answer.
In particular,

  1. Our own SSO that supports Authorization Code + PKCE

I assume this is an OIDC/OAuth authorization server supporting PAR. Is it correct?

  1. A Client UI App

Not sure what type of application this is. When you say Client, do you mean an OAuth/OIDC client (i.e., a client with respect of 1.)? Is this application a confidential client (server-rendered web app) or a public client (SPA, mobile or desktop app)?

  1. A Client API App

Is this a client of an API? Where is the API in this scenario?
You mention that the Client UI app “interacts with the Client API App’s endpoints”, so I assume this is the API, not the Client API, right?

Sorry, but I need to have a clear understanding of your scenario to give you an appropriate answer. In particular, I need to understand the nature of the Client UI App, which I imagine is where the authentication flow starts.