OpenID Connect - Authorization code flow with PKCE

Is there a way to use auth code flow with PKCE in OIDC? Connection of type “OpenID Connect” only has two options: front channel (implicit flow) and back channel (authorization code flow, but without PKCE).
Do I understand it correctly?

Hey there!

I just checked our docs and I think that won’t be doable as OIDC isn’t mentioned there:

@konrad.sopala is there another way, perhaps an article, on how to integrate a PKCE connection?

Has anyone figured out this? our OIDC Idp enforces PKCE

I am experiencing the same issue. Front channel is not an option because my IDP client has a strict setup for the authorization code flow only. However, when I initiate the back channel, which supports code flow. I always receive the error: “invalid_client (Client authentication failed. Either the client or the client credentials are invalid).”

It seems like public IDP clients are not supported for the authorization code flow with PKCE. Is this correct?

Thank you.