Welcome email is being sent to users, but how?


I’m taking over for a previous employee who set up Auth0 and am having trouble with a few items regarding emails.

  1. We don’t look to have a welcome email template set to be sent on the email template page, but yet welcome emails are still going out to users after they have signed up. (We don’t require verification)
  2. We go through SendGrid as the custom email provider and look to have custom emails being sent for password resets and welcome emails at the least, but I can’t seem to find those templates in SendGrid either.

Is there a spot in the custom code where I would find the custom emails? Or is there a way to no longer have the welcome email sent out set in Auth0 when a user signs up if I’m using a custom email provider? I want no welcome email anymore.

Thank you,

Hi @bluejaywalkoff,

Firstly, welcome emails are sent to the user once the user verifies their email address. If you have the Verification email turned off, it will be sent when the user signs up or logs in for the first time.

To find the custom code for your email templates, such as the Welcome email and Change Password templates, please navigate to your Auth0 Dashboard > Branding > Email Templates.

On that page, you should also be able to find the Welcome Email email template, which you can toggle off to prevent sending the welcome email to your users.

Please let us know if you have any additional questions.


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Hey Rueben,

I appreciate you responding. That is part of my issue. The Welcome email template has been disabled for what I’m told is months and users are still receiving a welcome email.

Does that then mean that in this case SendGrid is sending the welcome email based on some sort of hook, rule or action in Auth0?


Hi @bluejaywalkoff,

Thanks for following up!

Yes, it is entirely possible that a Rule/Hook/Action is responsible for sending these welcome emails.

To investigate this further, could you please perform a test for me? Could you please try signing up on your end and confirm for me if you are getting the welcome email?

If so, could you please send me your tenant’s name in a direct message?

I could take a look at your tenant settings and see if anything is causing these welcome emails to send.


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