Using Passwordless with Enterprise Connections

Using Passwordless in combination with Enterprise Connections

When using LOCK login box, we want our users to type in their email address only. The login box should then identify if this is an Enterprise customer (and send to Enterprise connection flow), and if not, send user to Passwordless flow.

We have 2 types of business customers:

  • Some or our business customers use an Enterprise IDP (i.e. Azure, Okta, Onelogin), and we have enabled Enterprise Connections for them.
  • Some of our business customers do not user an IDP, so we use Passwordless for them (with an Email code)

Ideally, in our Login Box, we want our users to type in their email address only, and:

Scenario 1) If Email matches that of an Enterprise Connection Directory, send user to IDP (i.e. Azure) to authenticate himself
Scenario 2) If Email does not match that of an Enterprise Connection Directory, send user to Passwordless flow (i.e. send user Access Code via email and show text input box to input code).

Hey there @santiba thanks for the feedback, always appreciated!