Hi, i integrated Auth0 to my flutter app. I have a question. Is it possible to use mobile flow and single sign on together?
Hi @Tigran, you are unable to use both Mobile Login Flow and Single Sign On together in an instance when leveraging embedded login. In order for SSO to happen, there needs to be a session established within Auth0, and with embedded login. There is only a session established within the application, but not within auth0 at that point. I hope this helps bring some clarity but I linked a doc below that may be able to give some additional perspective. Please let me know if you have any questions, thanks!
I was hoping to follow up @Tigran and see if you had any additional questions we could assist with? Thanks!
Thanks @James.Morrison. What about using accounts section in device settings and mobile flow?
I want to confirm when you reference the account section in device settings on an Android device correct?
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